The Virtual CD support forum



I am a novice with an xp home edition. Having surfed the net for the first time I d/loaded some sampler programmes. The next time I used the xp it said that this file was missing VCSEnv.dll. Ican't find any reference to it using search. Google led me to your sight. Is it yours? If so how do I delete it?

VCSEnv.dll is missing

It seems that another uninstall routine removed VCSEnv.dll by accident. This DLL file is part of the Virtual CD v4 SDK which is installed by some manufactures to provide data from virtual CD instead of a physical one. Thus the SDK may be necessary to reinstall parts of your OS.
Can you reinstall or repair the SDK (e.g. via Add/Remove Software in the Control Panel)?

Miss two dll

I am a novice with an xp prof edition. I d/loaded some sampler programmes. The next time I used the xp it said that this file was missing VCSEnv.dll. /ccTRUST.dll Ican't find any reference to it using search. Google led me to your sight.How do I find the dll I need? Pls can you help


Please download the VCSEnv.dll here and copy it to your Windows\System32 directory.

the same problem VCSEnv.dll

i met the same problem to find VCSEnv.dll, and with your help i download it i'm not very strong in computing, i apreciate your help, i'll copy it and try to solv this problem otherwise i'll give you back informations if it's ok or not.

Virtual CD SDK

If the problem still exists, you can download and install the complete SDK setup from the following link: Virtual CD SDK.


it doesn't work

What does not work?

Mr Van de Werfhorst, what does not work? Did you try the VCSEnv.dll or the complete SDK setup? Please note that we cannot guarantee that our setup will work for you since we cannot know what our customers do with the SDK (Software Development Kit).


I am a novice with an xp home edition. Having surfed the net for the first time I d/loaded some sampler programmes. The next time I used the xp it said that this file was missing VCSEnv.dll. Ican't find any reference to it using search. Google led me to your sight. Is it yours? If so how do I delete it?

VCSEnv.dll / SDK

The DLL and the complete SDK setup are provided in previous answers to this thread.
I cannot say why this file is suddenly missing, maybe it has been deinstalled by mistake by one of your trial programs...

There is no audio on PC

Every time i turn on my PC, i get a massage that VCSEnv.dll is missing. i have also lost audio on my PC and unable to play any music as well.

No audio and VCSEnv.dll is missing

Jacinter, these problems are not related but let me presume that you have a general problem on your PC. However both the VCSEnv.dll and the complete SDK setup are available in earlier answers within this thread. Just give them a try...


VCSEnv.dll. How can I fix this error message?

VCSEnv.dll / SDK repeated

Just let me repeat what I wrote before: Both the DLL and the complete SDK setup are provided in previous answers to this thread.

Message d'erreur VCSEnv.dll introuvable

Message précédent apparait à chaque démarrage. Comment yremédier


i need to download vcsenv.dll

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