The Virtual CD support forum



This application has failed to start because VCSEnv.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.


Try reinstalling Virtual CD.

fixing computer broblem

This application has failed to start because VCSEnv.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.


Did you try to reinstall the SDK?

how do i reinstall it

How to reinstall the SDK

Well, this depends on the manufacturer that provided the SDK. We have a VCDSDKINSTALLER.EXE (just search for this file in your Windows Explorer), but I don't know if it is provided in any case.


when i start my computer its show that re installing of vcsenv.dll may fix this problem


Dear Mr. Singh,

Yes, you can copy the VCSEnv.dll to your Windows\System32 directory or reinstall the SDK.
Please have a look at the thread in the Support Forum below for further advice and download-links.


this message VCSE.dll keeps coming up on screen can you help to get rid of it


Brian, the forum article below will help you to solve your problem:



i need to reinstall the above how do i do this?

Virtual CD SDK

If you need to reinstall the SDK, you can download the setup here:

how do i fix vcsenv.dll

please tell me how to fix the above prob its driving me madddddd


Download the DLL or the use the setup

Please, no more question about this problem! I provided the DLL and the complete setup in previous answers. Try them and report back if they do NOT solve your problem!

Any other questions will be ignored in the future. Thank you!

Re-installing VCSEnv.dll

my computer sound card is not working after loading windows xp home addition the VCSEnv.dll was not installed.


Please download the VCSEnv.dll here and copy it to your Windows\System32 directory. A full SDK setup can be found in a previous answer.

reglement de cette panne

je souhaite réinstaller ce logiciel mais je n'y arrive pas. merci de m'aider. Abientôt!

Virtual CD SDK

If you need to reinstall the SDK, you can download the setup here:

BTW: The French speaking support can be contacted via

Kind regards,

Continuous reboots or blue screen through vcdmpdrv.sys or vbev5mp.sys with Virtual CD v4/v5

setup.exe error

my system displayed error for setup.exe. anti virus use scaned by full system. no virus for display.

SDK setup.exe error

Which kind of error message do you get? I tested the setup and did not receive any error. You can send a screenshot of te error message to
Additionally: Which OS do you have?

VCSEnv.dll was not found

help me


Please reinstall the Virtual CD SDK, you can download the setup here:

BTW: The French speaking support can be contacted via

Kind regards,


where i can download VCSEnv.dll
thank à lot

VCSEnv.dll download

Both the DLL and the entire setup are available in former answers within this thread.


I am missing VCSEnv.dll on my computer. Everytime at start up I get this message. How can I reinstall this.
Is there a possibility to download it?
Thank you and kind regards.
Rob Clermonts

See former answers

Rob, please see the former answers which contain all help you need to solve your problem.

Kind regards,


manque VCSEnv.dll SUR l'ordi


Please reinstall the Virtual CD SDK, you can download the setup here:

BTW: The French speaking support can be contacted via

VCSEnv.dll was not found

Can you help me solving this problem,

VCSEnv.dll was not found

Want to solve this problem

VCSEnv.dll was not found

Rob, please understand that support für Virtual CD up to version 5 has been discontinued since a while. Please see the former answers which contain all help you need to solve your problem. If they don't, please report back what exactly fails!

Otherwise any further request will be ignored!


VCSEnv.dll was not found

I want to slove this problem


message s'affiche au démmarage "fichier VCESnv.dll introuvable


Please download the VCSEnv.dll here and copy it to your Windows\System32 directory.

BTW: The French speaking support can be contacted via

reinstallation de VCSEnv.dll

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